… Called on Christian Youths to emerge as watchers of Christ
By Divine Sam.
” Emergence of Watchers” was the theme for the 2023 annual youth week of Assemblies Of GOD Nigeria.
The week long spiritual fiesta in Assemblies of God sectional headquarters located at #98 Ukana Offot Street Uyo, Akwa Ibom State capital features series of rehearsals by the youth department to ensure a hitch-free ministration on Sunday. In addition, there was also sensitisation programme, sports which was attended by a large crowd of youths drawn from different denominations in preparation for the fiesta.
The week long exercise which opens on Monday 6th June 2023 was officially declared by the District youth president Mr. Anietie Emmah.
In an opening address to this years youth week the district youth president welcomes all and sundry to the annual youth gathering in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. According to him, “we are fully persuaded that this is the year God has ordained for you to sour rapidly and to make upward progress in every area of your life.
Mr Aniebiet who also double as the sectional youth president, noted that the theme of the youth week “Emergence of Watchers” can-not be over-emphasised that genuine success and true progress come only to those who have put their trust in God. Progress in life is in stages, but the best way, according to Scriptures, is to fly; ‘With wings like an Eagle.’ Because, then you reach your goal much faster; achieve more excellent result; and become an amazement.”
Continuing, Mr. Emmah said there is room at the top to excel, to fulfill destiny, to overcome the challenges of life and that can only be made possible by becoming a watcher of Christ especially in the present society. “That is what you were created for, and you are about to enter into its fullness. All you require during this con-vention is faith, ‘as small as a grain of mustard seed,’ to begin to soar as God intend-ed. It is an exciting journey as you prepare to ascend to the top; therefore you need to be focused and let nothing divert your attention or distract you throughout this convention. Be determined to enter into a deeper relation-ship and initimacy with your heavenly Father through fervent prayer, heartfelt wor-ship and meditating on the Word of life.”
In his ministration during the grand finale on Sunday 12th June 2023, the district youth coordinator Rev. Samuel Peter, who speaks on the theme of the fiesta noted with passion the roles of watchers which he said was to find their grounds to make sure the purpose of the kingdom is manifested through them, also God need watchers to carry out his purpose and they have the ability to through earnest praying to trapped the agenda of Satan.
The man of God storm his listening audience that as a watcher they also have the opportunity to abort the evil plot of through prayers and dedication in the things of God. This, he said, means that you are able to soar above fear, failure, traps and snares of the devil. It also means that your insight and perception of spiritual matters become very keen.

Also speaking, the sectional leader Rev. Clifford Ukpong expressed full satisfaction for the total commitment and dedication of the youths in the section to have been devoted participating in the week long spiritual activities. The holiness preacher called on the youths to abide by the teachings received during the week, noting that the only way they can remain watchers for Christ is to live in the word of God with repentance and salvation.
Interestingly, the grand finale features drama, pannel discussion, citation of the youth tenet, youth anthem, memory verse, youth choir and various other ministration to mark the annual youth week.

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