You’re a big disgrace to your family, Akwa Ibom ex attorney general senior advocate of Nigeria, Nwoko knocks justice Balkachuwa

During an interview with Channels Television, Uwem Nwoko, a senior advocate in Nigeria, tackled Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa (Rtd) for using her position to influence the decisions of her husband’s friends. Nwoko stated that she’s a big disgrace to her family and to the Nigerian system.

He further stated that this should not be used as a benchmark to judge the Nigerian judiciary because that is not what they truly represent. He revealed that they’re committed to delivering fair and transparent judgments, no matter what the case may be.

According to him, “For her and for those who worked with her, it’s a big disgrace to her as a person; it’s a big disgrace to her family; it’s a big disgrace to what she represents, but I am very consciously putting it that we should not use this revelation as a benchmark for judging the judiciary. Yes, her husband has come to relate them because these things raised suspicions. There were certain decisions that called into question the standard applied, but they were denied. Today, the shame is on her, the shame is on her family, and the shame is on her husband, who led her to compromise the integrity of the system. But my caution is that we should not use it as a benchmark for judging the Nigerian judiciary because that is not all that we represent, but for her as a person, for her family, and for her husband, they are a big disgrace to the Nigerian system