Shea butter, as a unique agricultural produce, formed the fulcrum of discourses at the just concluded INTERNATIONAL FARMERS’ RENDEZVOUS, held at the BIWAL PLAZA, UMUOBU OVOM 1, in the Niger Delta region.

The Rendezvous was anchored by Prince Ehiemere Chinwendu. The resource person, Dr. Frank Freds Nwosu, MNIM, President of Brainbox Farmers’ Association, extensively explored the economic viability of Shea Butter, where it can be sourced in abundance, its cosmetic and pharmaceutical uses and exportation value.
Some of the issues raised during the rendezvous include

the offer of consultancy services by Business Innovations West Africa Limited,* to sail the product through the quality control requirements of NAFDAC, SON, and the Nigerian Export Promotion Council, (NEPC).
Participants were convinced to invest in the Shea butter export processing project, by putting down whatever sum is convenient with the Farm Supervisor of BIWAL, Mrs. Chinyere Chinenye.
However, it was clarified that prospective investors must first be registered to become members of The Brainbox Farmers’ Association, via which they can access the abundant raw material already available at the Association’s Export Produce Beach in northern Nigeria.

Whereas Dr. Frank Freds Nwosu extended an invitation to the participants, Mr. Nwogwugwu of Akpaa Mbato queried why the Shea Butter *Pre-export Distribution Outpost* had to be sited in Ugwunagbo Local Government? The answer to this, according to the Liaison Officer, Oluchi Ogbuokwe, is that Ugwunagbo is closer to the Portharcourt shipping agencies and the expansive landed facilities required for the project.
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